Thoroughbred racing publications are an excellent way to keep up to date with current events in the horse racing industry. Whether you are looking for new innovative products for your thoroughbred or are simply wondering about racing clubs in your area you might like to join, horse racing magazines and other publications are a great way to learn more about your favourite sport.
There are some excellent thoroughbred racing magazines available in Australia, such as Breeding & Racing Magazine and Racing NSW, which are the two most respected publications dealing with topic related to horse racing. Racing Australia is another magazine which will supply you with excellent information, from breeding news to race predictions.
If you prefer to learn about this history of horse racing, there are a number of publications you will find enjoyable. Whether you choose to read biographies of racing greats like trainer Bart Cummings or equine athletes like the iconic Phar Lap, or rather read about the rise and fall of outback racing, there is a publication to cater to your desires.
Equine Excellence Magazine
We offer the reader interesting and informative articles, from technical equine issues to capturing the special bond between horse and rider. The stories are supported by stunning photography ensuring the reader is taken on a wondrous journey wetting their appetite for the next issue. Equine Excellence is published by EDEE Publications bi-monthly throughout Australia in over 2000 stores.
Phone: (03) 599 84 188
Women in Racing is the first and only, dedicated, glossy lifestyle magazine, designed especially for women who enjoy “The Sport of Kings” – Horse Racing.
Women in RACING magazine is the only magazine dedicated to an exclusive target market of women, involved within the racing industry. It is designed for ladies who share in the enjoyment of all things glamorous, luxurious, elegant and exciting. Australia’s fascination with racing continues to grow and plays a very important part within the female social calendar. More and more women are attending the races on a regular basis as well as getting involved with horse ownership, whether outright or being part of many of the syndicates available. Women are achieving greater success as breeders, trainers and jockeys and are becoming more involved in the business side of the industry.
Women in Racing magazine is a full colour, glossy, topical, informative magazine published three times per year with an initial 10,000 copies. Women in Racing is distributed to selected Racing Clubs throughout Australia, to subscribers and posted to many of the businesses involved within this lucrative industry. The magazine is also available for special distribution at Racing Carnival events across Australia and New Zealand, as well as Women in Racing social and business events, tours and functions. Women in Racing magazine regularly features Carnival glamour, top designers and fashion boutiques, unique race-wear, fabulous fascinators, sparkling jewels and all the accessories a woman needs in order to adorn herself for a day at the races.
We hope you enjoy reading Women in Racing and remember, Get up, Get dressed and Go Racing!
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